Honor your intentions by making the first Sunday of 2019 a #SelfCareSunday and celebrate the first new moon of the year by reconnecting with your innate power to manifest that which you seek. Our journey will begin by rooting in the present through scent and taste before opening our vision to the future with a guided journaling session. Once we’ve called our goals into the space via the written word, we will bring our focus to pranayama before easing into seven empowering rounds of Chandra Namaskar. After guided meditation in Savasana, we will expand our intentions to include all beings through mantra and silent reflection. This reinvigorating workshop in honor of the new moon, the new year, and your inner power will leave you prepared to manifest abundance and give a whole new perspective on new year's resolutions.
Tickets available via MINDBODY and LoveIntegrationYoga.com.